Review Policy and Rating System

Review Policy

I am currently accepting books in exchange for an honest and fair review based on my reading. If you have a book you would like me to review, please reach out to me using the Contact form or by emailing me at The book can be an ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) or published novels preferably in physical copies if possible. If it is part of a series, please let me know so that I can look into the series. 

I primarily read Young Adult Fiction (ranging from realistic fiction to fantasy and everything in between) and Adult Nonfiction, but am open to exploring other genres. 

My reviews are 100% fair and based solely on my honest opinion. 

Rating System

5 Stars  – I absolutely love the book. Added to my list of favorite books and the next book I will recommend to others. 

4 Stars  – Interesting and enjoyable read, though maybe not perfect for me. Glad I read it and would recommend it to others if I think they would be interested, but not a go-to rec. 

3 Stars – Middle of the road read: some parts were awesome, some parts less so. I would still recommend reading, especially if it sounds interesting to you, but it wasn’t quite perfect for me. 

2 Stars – I read it from start to finish, but I wouldn’t recommend it to others. If it sounds interesting to you, go ahead and pick it up. 

1 Star – I don’t like giving 1 star reviews, so I try to avoid them as much as possible. However, I will give them if I have to, but I will do my best to explain why I felt that way. 

DNF – Did Not Finish – There may be times when I use this in place of a starred review, meaning that I set the book down, will not pick it back up, and do not feel comfortable giving a star rating.